With so much grabbing for your attention and dollars these days, it’s easy to miss when the latest releases are heading to a cinema near you. So come back every week as we here at So, Is It Any Good? preview the new movies hitting screens.

This weekend, Pan takes flight, M. Night Shyamalan reminds us that old people are creepy, and Emily Blunt goes toe-to-toe with a drug cartel.


pan_posterRating: PG

Starring: Hugh Jackman, Levi Miller, Garrett Hedlund, Rooney Mara

Synopsis: The story of an orphan who is spirited away to the magical Neverland. There, he finds both fun and dangers, and ultimately discovers his destiny — to become the hero who will be forever known as Peter Pan.


Why you should be interested: Peter Pan is the latest pop-culture character to get an origin story, and while it’s pretty to look at, it’s a little bit of a mixed bag to be honest. It’s a little disappointing because we had this on our Top 20 Yet To Be Released list just a couple weeks ago. Hugh Jackman fans will have much to savour as their boy tears into the theatricality of Captain Blackbeard, and there’s a lot to divert your attention, but I’d only go if you have to occupy the kids for a few hours. Otherwise just rent it in a couple of months.

Who should see it: Pan-atics

The Visit

visit_ver2Rating: M

Starring: Kathryn Hahn, Olivia DeJonge, Ed Oxenbould

Synopsis: A single mother finds that things in her family’s life go very wrong after her two young children visit their grandparents.


Why you should be interested: Master of the twist-ending Shyamalan retreats from his cushy studio movies (that have been pretty terrible of late) and goes ultra low budget with this fright flick set at an isolated farm. The minuscule budget has freed him up to have fun again, and there is a lot of humor to find in this tale of spooky grandparents. Beware though if you’re not a fan of “found footage” pics, maybe give this a miss.

Who should see it: Fright fanciers


sicario_ver8Rating: MA15+

Starring: Emily Blunt, Benicio Del Toro, Jon Bernthal, Josh Brolin

Synopsis: A young female FBI agent joins a secret CIA operation to take down a Mexican cartel boss, a job that ends up pushing her ethical and moral values to the limit.


Why you should be interested: Earning raves out of the Cannes Film Festival earlier this year, this looks to be this year’s Traffic, complete with one of it’s cast members in Del Toro. Blunt proved her action cred in last year’s Edge Of Tomorrow and if the buzz and kickass trailers are any indication, this will more than deliver.

Who should see it: For fans of the smokin’ Blunt

So, what are you going to see this weekend? Hit us up in the comments and let us know what you’ve watched, and if it’s any good!

