After a week of Star Wars spoiler dodging, you might have missed some of the comedy gold YouTube has been producing on an almost daily basis in the lead up to The Force Awakens. So to help catch you up, we’ve compiled our favourite Star Wars related spoofs all in one handy place for your viewing pleasure.  And don’t worry, we promise there are no spoilers in the clips below…unless of course you haven’t seen Episodes I – VI, in which case, why are you even reading this?


The first clip off the rank is technically not a spoof, but features the vocal stylings of Oscar Isaac, AKA Poe Dameron. In a recent interview with GQ, he decided to pick up the acoustic guitar and perform a cover version of the Star Wars theme song, first made famous by a young Bill Murray on SNL. Whilst Isaac’s version doesn’t quite match Murray’s level of hilarity, musically speaking he totally nails it, which should come as no surprise to those who’ve seen Inside Llewyn Davis.


The ever reliable Screen Junkies team brought us a new instalment of their Honest Trailers series, focussing on Revenge of the Sith. It’s almost too easy poking fun at any of the prequel films, but that doesn’t make it any less funny.

The Bad Lip Read team outdid themselves, as they served up an alternative take on all three original trilogy films to brilliant effect, helped along by a stellar guest voice lineup including Jack Black, Maya Rudolph and the ever versatile Bill Hader.

And last but not least, Conan O’Brien gave us another killer ‘cold opening’ as part of his special Force Awakens episode that went to air on the night of it’s U.S. release. The skit features a cast of secondary Star Wars characters sitting in a diner lamenting their lack of involvement in the new film, which long time fans will get a kick out of. In particular, Conan playing Lobot from Empire Strikes Back is pure genius.


