Michael Fassbender Has Serious Daddy Issues In ‘Trespass Against Us’ Trailer

Oscar nominee Michael Fassbender has teamed up with fellow Irishman Brendan Gleeson in the first trailer for British crime drama Trespass Against Usthe first feature film from Director Adam Smith.

Check it out above!

94_tau_la_webOn first glance there doesn’t appear much to this film, as the story looks to touch on themes we’ve seen before in other films within the crime genre, but what sparks the interest is the considerable talent of the two leads. Gleeson has been a solid performer for years, and has recently been turning in some of his best ever work in the likes of The Guard and Calvary. And Fassbender is, well, Michael Fassbender, so you know you’re in safe hands on that front.

The other selling point is of course the music of The Chemical Brothers, who provide the film’s score after having done great work on Joe Wright’s action flick Hanna a few years back. A pulsating electronic soundtrack for a stripped back crime drama set in rural England might initially seem like a strange fit, but we can only assume Adam Smith has a reason for making this creative choice other than just being a massive fan of the band.

Trespass Against Us is yet to receive an Australian release date

