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Behind The Scenes - American Made

Behind The Scenes – American Made

If you’re anything like me you can’t wait for Tom Cruise back to his bad boy pilot ways. No not Top Gun 2, I’m talking about American Made.

T-Cruise and Doug Liman are as quintessential as Ross and Rachel and their new outing is Certified Fresh! In the lead up to the Australian release on Thursday (our American friends will have to wait until the end of September), we thought we’d get you amped with a little tour behind the scenes.

The Real Deal

This first short featurette gives you the lowdown on the real Barry Seal, whom Tom plays in the movie, straight from the mouths of Cruise and Liman themselves:

Tom In The Sky

Anyone with even a passing knowledge of Tom Cruise probably knows that the man likes to do his own stunts. Whether it’s climbing the world’s tallest building or hanging onto the side of a transport plane, Tom’s all in. So it’s no surprise that he took on a lot of the crazy flying stunts as well:

Doug Liman’s Smooth Voice

Liman talks about what drew him to the material, and why we haven’t seen Barry Seal’s incredible true story on screen before:

Well that’s about it! Are you pumped for more crazy Cruise action? Sound off in the comments below or on our Facebook page!

