Disney Sets Release Dates For ‘Star Wars: Episode IX’ And ‘Indiana Jones 5’

Disney have set release dates for some of their tent pole movies overnight. Star Wars: Episode IX has been given a summer release date of May 24, 2019. It’s a welcomed sigh of relief not having to wait a year and a half between Star Wars films, as the Han Solo film is due to be released May 25, 2018. It was widely speculated that Disney would keep the Christmas release formula, as both Star Wars: The Force Awakens and Rogue One: A Star Wars Story both had December releases.

Indiana Jones 5 has been delayed a year, moving from its planned July 2019 release date to July 10, 2020. The shift in the schedule is to accommodate Steven Spielberg who is set to direct. At the moment Spielberg is in post production on his sci-fi epic Ready Player One, after that he moves onto religious the drama The Kidnapping Of Edgardo Mortara. The movie he is planning to squeeze in before Indiana Jones is The Post, which currently has Tom Hanks and Meryl Streep attached to star, which will revolve around the Watergate tapes.

How do you feel about the current releases? let us know in the comments below.

